Right Fruit and Vegetable Juices For Your Body Detox

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Right Fruit and Vegetable Juices For Your Body Detox

After having back-to-back sumptuous meals during wedding seasons or an over-indulgence on our recent vacation, all you think of is how to push the excess accumulation of fats or toxins out of your bodies. Otherwise, even to level up your already healthy diet, detox juices will always be the right choice.

Detoxification is something that has been practiced for centuries around the world. The process includes Resting, Cleansing, and Nourishing your system from the inside. Detoxifying drinks help in removing or eliminating toxins from your body & in turn nourish your system by supplying healthy nutrients.

Incorporating fresh juices/ smoothies made with fibre-rich fruits/ veggies in your diet can majorly help in flushing out all the toxins out of your body, as they contain natural vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, etc.

What do detox drinks do to our bodies?

  • Boosts energy levels
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Cleanses the liver
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • Improves digestion

  • Now, let’s look into a few enjoyable detox juice recipes and how to include them in your daily diet routine.

    Detox drinks are generally advised to be consumed in an empty stomach, as the first thing in the morning, so that it does its magic well.

    Beetroot & Ginger Juice

    Simply extract the juice from 1 whole beet, so that you get that appetizing pink tint in your drink. To aid digestion grind the required pieces of pineapple & pears (aids digestion) & 2 inches of ginger (boosts immunity), and the beet juice together. You can filter or have it just like that. Enjoy the healthy & also yummy pink drink.

    Carrot & Ginger Juice

    This detox drink has a hint of sweetness & tinge of slightly sour taste. The perfect blend of oranges, carrots, and zing of ginger. One of best detox that contains loads of vitamins & beta carotene, that help in reducing bad cholesterol and improving digestion.

    Green Juice

    An excellent drink that is rich in iron, magnesium & manganese. To make the best cleansing juice blend in Lettuce (1bunch), Carrots (2 or 3), one Apple, and squeeze in some lemon juice. Nutrients enriched healthy drink is all set to cleanse your system and balance it from inside.

    Before you start the detoxification process, make sure you understand your body well and consult with a dietician/ nutritionist for better clarification.

    Let go off the toxins, and take the first step towards healthier YOU!
    Because, your body is worth it.

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